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Metatron Hospital
Metatron Intruder
Metatron Well Being
Areas of diagnosis Diagnostic results Therapies Software REMOTE Diagnostics REMOTE Therapies Food |
METATRON REMOTE® Health Diagnostic Therapy System
Blue Opal Upgraded By Medicomat Ltd For Remote Mode
Metatron Packaging
The genuine products developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics and released under the registered trademark METATRON ® can be easily distinguished from counterfeit diagnostic devices based on their appearance and hardware arrangement, as well as their fully functional software (no more glitches or nonresponsive buttons!).

The standard packaging of METATRON includes the following components:
1. The device itself, which is designed in a specific form and features the METATRON logo:
- The front panel bears an etched logo (the old logo is used for machines used in Russia, while the new one is for other countries).
- The top panel displays the model's name.
- The back panel is etched with a serial number, release date, jurisdiction data of the manufacturer (IPP), and information about its official representative in Europe (IPP-Europe). It also confirms compliance with all the EU's requirements for this type of product.
2. Magnetic Inductors with a trigger sensor, which are also presented in a strictly defined form (without earphones, manual electrodes, or pulse fixers). The model name is indicated.
3. A power supply unit for the device, a network adapter for a laptop, and a USB cable.
4. A bioresonance camera, which is meticulously designed in terms of form, size, and color.
5. Technical documentation, including a user's manual and a technical passport with the requisites of IPP-Europe.
6. The HP ProBook series notebook with the software pre-installed. In the packaging of Metapathia GR Hospital, a USB flash disk with program files is also included.